Wednesday, 30 October 2013

New entries to the Database table

TCode: SM30

Description:  To add new entries Z tables , first table maintenance generation is to be done. Then above TCode facilitates the same which uses the Table Maintenance Generator to modify or add new entries.

Adjust Database Table or Delete

   Some times a database table needs to be adjusted
   after few changes have been done or deleted.

   This can be performed by the following TCode.

How to remove Locked entries

   All the locked entries of a particular user can be unlocked by Tcode.


Misc Parameters Table

Some times we need to store some customized values which generally are hard coded.
But everytime these values change, the code is to be changed.

To avoid this, 

Go to transaction TVARVC
and maintain your own parameters and with any normal select query, these values can be fetched from the table TVARVC.

SAP ABAP Demo Programs

A few SAP ABAP Programs are found in the package